Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29 - February 2

At the end of this week, it will already be February!

I'm looking forward to getting back into the Argument Unit and beginning to write and practice in this style. I really believe that being able to craft a good argument based on evidence and examples relevant to an audience will help you beyond English class, no matter what you eventually choose to do. And, of course it will help those that are writing the ACT essay.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Read Huckleberry Finn, Chapter the Last (page 292 until the end of the book). Review of Argument Unit basics - types of evidence and examples.

Due: Read Huckleberry Finn though the end of Chapter 29.

Homework: Please complete the "Huck Finn for and Against" assignment for Thursday/Friday.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Current event day - read and annotate two opposing viewpoints. Discuss and debate, vote. Outline the majority opinion in a synthesis/ACT-style outline response based on the discussion.

Due: n/a

Homework: (same as Monday/Tuesday)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering Vocab #14, grammar, and Huckleberry Finn reading through Chapter 29 and Chapter the Last. Intro to Gender unit: ideal man/woman exercise, read "Being a Man," Group activity: building an argument with evidence and examples. 

Due: "Huckleberry Finn For and Against "assignment.

Homework:  Read "Why Johnny Won't Read," page 6 of the Gender Unit packet.

Complete the questions on the half sheet, (not the questions in the actual packet).

Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22-26

It's second semester! I'm working on grading Part II of all of the finals and am going as quickly as I can while still giving them all a good read.

Second semester brings the argument unit with students writing arguments and synthesis papers, a gender and a science and nature unit, The Great Gatsby, acting out A Raisin in the Sun, and the final narrative unit where students will write a good draft of their college essay or a research paper exploring a specific job title. It's hard to believe there's about four and a half months until you're all seniors!

Here's what's on the agenda for the short week ahead:

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go to the College and Career Center for a walk-through of Naviance and some general information about the ACT and SAT exams.

Due: Please attempt to log into Naviance. If you can't get in and/or don't have a working account, please e-mail me at with your name and preferred e-mail address. (I sent you an e-mail this weekend with this request.)

Homework: Please read Huckleberry Finn through the end of Chapter 26 (page 180 in the library version).

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over the answers to Part I and II of the final. Receive vocabulary list for next week's quiz, (no quiz this week). Read and act out Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn group activity.

Due: Huckleberry Finn, through the end of Chapter 26.

Homework: Huckleberry Finn, through the end of Chapter 29 for next class.

FRIDAY:  No school for students - teacher/staff training day.   

Friday, January 12, 2018

Finals Week!

The final for English 3 will include the following parts:

Part I. Contains multiple choice questions covering the information in the study guide
Part II. Students will read and annotate a passage, then create an outline response to a rhetorical analysis prompt, (just like we've done on the two essays this semester, and for other passages for assignments and in class). Note: this is not a full essay.

Here is the schedule:

MONDAY: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, no school.

TUESDAY: All classes, review day.  We will play review baseball to practice for the first part of the final.

Homework: For the final, please bring pencils and materials to study or a book to read in case you finish early.

8:00- 9:55 - First period final
10:05 - 12:00 - Second period final

8:00- 9:55 - Fourth period final
10:05 - 12:00 - Third period final

8:00- 9:55 - Fifth period final
10:05 - 12:00 - Sixth period final

It's been a great semester.  I am truly looking forward to more reading, discussion, debates, and even essays (!) with you during Spring Semester.  Thanks for all that you do!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 8-12

It's our only full week in January, and the week before finals.  Please bring your study guides with you to class and note that the last day to turn in any make-up work is Friday, January 12.  Here's what's on the agenda:

MONDAY: Journal warm-up.  Martin Luther King, Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech - context, SOAPS.  Listen/watch speech and perform rhetorical analysis on speech.  Small groups: outline response to rhetorical analysis prompt (just like what will be on the final).  Compare outlines as a whole class.

Due: Huckleberry Finn through the end of Chapter 20.

Homework: Please read Huckleberry Finn Chapters 21-22.

Read through the study guide and fill out the SOAPS and outline sections.

WEDNESDAY: Current events day - Journal warm-up.

Due: n/a

Homework: (same as Monday) Please read Huckleberry Finn Chapters 21-22.

Read through the study guide and fill out the SOAPS and outline sections.

FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering vocabulary list #13, grammar, and Huckleberry Finn reading. Contest/activity: fill in rhetorical analysis terms on the Study Guide. Play Vocab Story Rounds with full Study Guide list.

Due: Huckleberry Finn Chapters 21-22.

Read through the study guide and fill out the SOAPS and outline sections.

Homework: Go through the Study Guide and fill in the Grammar rules and any empty sections.

Here is a link to the Study Guide with all of the rhetorical analysis definitions filled in.  I would suggest you re-copy them into the handout from class.