MONDAY: (1st and 2nd only) Journal warm-up. Review Gatsby Chapter One, character traits so far. Listen to clips of student song choices and share paragraphs. Select a song for each character from the whole class. Begin reading Gatsby, Chapter Two. Start initial work for research paper based on a profession/job title of your choice: view career aptitude test and compare the number of people employed and median salary on another chart.
NOTE: Dr. Park will give a presentation to 2nd period at 11:30.
Due: Gatsby Chapter 1 read and Character Song Assignment finished.
Homework: Finish brainstorm for research paper - on a separate piece of paper list top five choices for a job title you could research and a sentence or two by each explaining why that might be a good match for your interests, talents, and goals.
TUESDAY: (5th and 6th periods only): Journal warm-up. Review Gatsby Chapter One, character traits so far. Listen to clips of student song choices and share paragraphs. Select a song for each character from the whole class. Begin reading Gatsby, Chapter Two.
5th and 6th periods will have Junior Conferences on Tuesday, March 1.
Due: Gatsby Chapter 1 read and Character Song Assignment finished.
Homework: Study for vocab quiz. Quiz will have 2 Gatsby questions from Chapter One.
WEDNESDAY: (1st and 2nd only): Journal warm-up. Begin reading Gatsby, Chapter Two.
1st and 2nd periods will have Junior Conferences on Wednesday, March 2.
Due: brainstorm for research paper - on a separate piece of paper list top five choices for a job title you could research and a sentence or two by each explaining why that might be a good match for your interests, talents, and goals.
Homework: Study for vocab quiz. Quiz will have 2 Gatsby questions from Chapter One.
THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Vocab quiz with 2 Gatsby questions. Gatsby reading Chapter 2, scene 1, pages 23-29. Watch 3 versions of how the Myrtle introduction is portrayed in film (the scene we just read), and vote on your favorite.
(5th and 6th will start initial work for research paper based on a profession/job title of your choice: view career aptitude test and compare the number of people employed and median salary on another chart.)
Homework: Finish reading Chapter Two, where we get a close look at Tom's not-so-secret life. Next week's quiz will include 4 questions from The Great Gatsby.
5th and 6th period only: On a separate piece of paper, please list 5 job titles you are interested in, with 1 sentence each explaining why you chose that job title. Please see Monday's agenda, above, for links to websites that can offer some help generating ideas for you. DUE ON MONDAY, MARCH 7 for 5th and 6th only.
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