Saturday, May 28, 2016

May 31 - June 3

It's the last week of school before finals already!  Be sure to turn in any missing/late work by June 3rd and bring textbooks back to the classroom or directly to the library.

Here's what we have for the week:

TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up.  Read sample college essays that have worked and discuss each sample.  Go through Common App and UC prompts and match them with your completed brainstorm sheet.  Which questions allow you to present anecdotes that are highly personal and reflect your best attributes?  More brainstorming/narrowing down.  Last half of class: type up very rough draft in the computer lab.

For this assignment, the minimum requirement is one of the following:
1.  One of the Common App prompts
2.  Two of the four required UC prompts
3. A community college, art school, or vocational tech school prompt (please include the link and prompt at the top of your essay).
4. For those that are not planning on going to school, but straight to work, a detailed and very personalized one-page cover letter emphasizing your strengths and why they are a match for the job in cover letter format. 

Due: Completed brainstorming sheet from last week.  Think about which prompt(s) you may want to answer.

Homework: Complete a very rough draft of your essay for the Common App or 2 short answers from the UC prompts.  Don't worry about word count at this point.  Make sure you can access your drafts electronically so you can work on them in class on Thursday/Friday.

Make sure your journal will be ready to turn in at the end of the next class period. 

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up.  Read more sample essays and discuss.  Go through the final checklist for drafts: push for details, remove cliches, fix any diction/syntax issues.  Work time on laptops.

Due:  Journals will be turned in at the end of the class period.

Full rough draft typed out and accessible online (Googledocs, latest version in e-mail, etc.)

Homework: Polish up your draft with the Final Checklist and make sure it is within the word count parameters.  Have others read it, set it aside, them come back and read and revise it again.

Your final version is due to on Monday, June 6 at 10:00 p.m.

Please note, due to how far along we are in the semester and the fact that this is your final for the class, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Thanks for understanding.

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