Happy Halloween! We will celebrate Halloween, the end of a long month without any holidays or breaks, and, last but not least, the full, solid rough drafts that the class finished and uploaded.
MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Special Halloween reading of classic American horror writer Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amantillado, The Raven with modern anime-style drawings and lyrics, and a modern sci-fi horror short. I'll bring some treats; feel free to bring food to share with no peanuts or tree nuts, please.
Due: Please upload a full rough draft to Turnitin.com for credit by Sunday night, October 29 at 11:00 p.m. Must be in full sentences and at least 4-6 complete paragraphs. Please be sure to get a confirmation and e-mail me at mogilefskya@pvpusd.net with a copy of the essay if you have any issues.
Homework: Study for vocab quiz at the end of the week.
WEDNESDAY: (5th period only) Current event day - read, annotate, and analyze two arguments on different sides of an issue, debate and discuss, and vote. (SAT/Rhetorical analysis practice with the reading and analysis, and ACT/Argument/Synthesis practice with the discussion and debate using evidence.)
Due: n/a
Homework: Study for quiz on Friday.
THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering vocab and grammar only. Read and evaluate model essays. Thesis statements - an overview. Receive final rhetorical essay rubric and begin work polishing rough drafts into final essays on laptops.
Due: n/a
Homework: Make sure your introduction paragraph of your rough draft is done, and begin working on the wording and analysis in the body paragraphs. (We will go over conclusions in detail next week.) Be able to access your drafts electronically (Google Docs, e-mail it to yourself, and/or bring your own device) for next class.
Please read and annotate Chapter 6 and 7 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.
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