Friday, March 9, 2018

March 12 - 16

This week, we'll begin The Great Gatsby! I'm looking forward to reading it with you, and I have two flapper dresses ready to go for acting it out in class. :-)
We will also be working on the final drafts of the women in the draft essay, and continuing with the argument unit.   

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Pass back Disobedience Argument Outlines and go over results. Introduction to the world of The Great Gatsby. Pick up the book from the library.  Begin reading and acting out Chapter 1.  Describe Gatsby Song Assignment.

Due: n/a

Homework: For Thursday/Friday:
  • Finish reading Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby.
  • Complete the Gatsby Song Assignment and be ready to share with the class. 
WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Current event day - read and annotate two opposing viewpoints. Discuss and debate, vote. Outline the majority opinion in a synthesis/ACT-style outline response based on the discussion.
Due: n/a

Homework: (same as Monday)
  • Finish reading Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby.
  • Complete the Gatsby Song Assignment and be ready to share with the class. 

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering vocab #17, grammar, and Gatsby reading. Begin reading and acting out Chapter Two of Gatsby.  After reading, view 3 different interpretations of the introduction of Myrtle and discuss which is the most true to the text and/or best. Feedback about essay drafts and view a model essay. Time to work on essay drafts on laptops and ask for individual help.


  • Finish reading Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby.
  • Complete the Gatsby Song Assignment and be ready to share with the class. 
Homework:  For next class, finish reading Gatsby, Chapter 2 and note what we learn about Tom Buchanon.  

Continue to work on essay drafts. We will go over conclusions in class, and have about 30 more minutes to work on the drafts in class. The due dates for the final draft to are: 

5th period: Thursday, March 22 at 11:00 p.m.
3rd period: Friday, March 23 at 11:00 p.m.

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