MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over essay results in detail, rewrite one paragraph in class.
Due: Before class begins: read Gatsby, Chapter 2.
By the end of the class period: turn in a rewrite of one paragraph of your essay.
Homework: Please read the rest of Gatbsy, Chapter 3 and 4. Why do you think Fitzgerald included the character Meyer Wolfshiem?
WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Gatsby Chapter 3 comparison exercise. Write in-class outline in response to argument prompt. Gatsby casting sheets.
Due: Gatsby, Chapters 3 and 4
Homework: Read Gatsby, Chapter 5 for Friday.
THURSDAY: Journal warm-up. Gatsby Chapter 3 comparison exercise. Write in-class outline response to argument prompt. Gatsby casting sheets. Begin reading Chapter 5 of Gatsby.
Due: Gatsby, Chapters 3 and 4.
Homework: Please read Chapters 5 and 6 of Gatsby for April (!)
FRIDAY: (minimum day, drill 4th period) Vocabulary Story Rounds for 6th period.
Due: Gatsby, Chapter 5
Homework: Please read Gatsby, Chapter 6 for April (!)
Have a wonderful and well-deserved break! I'm looking forward to seeing you in April.
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