Friday, May 24, 2019

May 27 - 31

It's the last week before finals! The last day to turn in late work for partial credit is Friday, May 31. We've begun the final unit, the college essay or job title paper, which will be uploaded the day of the final.

 For the final assignment, which counts as the "final," please choose one of the following:

1. UC Prompts - you will need to write 4 of the 8 prompts when applying to a UC school. For this final, write 2 of them. (350 words max.)
2. Common Application Prompt - choose one (650 words max.)
3. Coalition Prompt - choose one (550 words max.)
4. Prompt that is specific to one of the colleges or universities you're applying to (see their website).
5. Job title paper.

MONDAY: No school, Memorial Day holiday.

TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Work with the brainstorming sheet from last week to uncover topics, stories, character traits that would work well with the college essay prompts. Go through requirements for the final assignment (which counts as the final). Hear sample college essay and critique. Work time on Chromebooks.

Due: Come with a list of colleges/universities or a job title that you're interested in.

Homework: Match a story/character trait with a prompt or prompts or begin research on a job title of your choice.

Have journals ready to turn in next class. 

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Hear sample essays and critique. Go over strategies for writing the essays, especially if you're planning on eventually writing the UC prompts as well as Common App/Coalition. Work time on Chromebooks with individual help.

Due: Journals in bin in classroom by the end of the period.

Homework:  Continue work on drafts.

Also: here is a really long, but interesting article. There is some adult language included, but the perspective and message are thought-provoking and worth a read about how we make choices about career paths and life decisions.

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