Tuesday, October 1, 2019

September 30 - October 4

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend! Here's what's on the agenda for this week:

MONDAY: No school for students, staff development day.

TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over the Carter passage as a whole class, looking for rhetorical devices. SOAPS, strategies for annotating, rhetorical analysis outline format. Name class bucket. 

DuePlease read the Carter rhetorical analysis passage, and annotate it. Identify any of the rhetorical analysis strategies we've learned in class: ethos, logos, pathos, imagery.  Bring it with you to class, ready to share. 

Please find a cozy spot and some alone time and read 30 pages in your independent reading book. (If you chose a longer book, over 180 pages, go a bit further.)

Homework: Study for quiz on Thursday/Friday. 

Please read another 10 pages in your independent reading book, up to page 130 (a bit more if you chose a book that is longer).

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering vocabulary #4 and grammar. Receive special Tone Vocabulary sheet for next week. Receive rhetorical analysis outline format. As a whole class, create outline for Carter passage. Notes: tone. Musical tone exercise.

Due: Up to page 130 in independent reading book.

Homework: Finish the independent reading book this weekend and be ready to begin the end-of-book project next week.

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