Sunday, January 19, 2020

January 20 - 24: Spring Semester!

It's Spring Semester! I'm excited to move into our Argument Unit and a novel: The Great Gatsby. We'll read some of it aloud in class, and students can act out the parts (on a volunteer basis).

No quiz this week: our first vocab/grammar/reading quiz will cover the words from Vocabulary #11 at the end of next week.

MONDAY: No school, Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Intro to argument unit and The Great Gatsby. Pick up Gatsby at the library. Begin reading and acting out Chapter One. Gatsby song assignment.

Due: n/a

Homework: Finish reading Chapter One. Finish Gatsby song assignment. 

THURSDAY: Benjamin Franklin special journal warm-up. Argument unit notes. Gatsby reading and acting out. Share a few Gatsby song assignments.

Due: Gatsby character song assignment.

Homework: Finish reading Gatsby, Chapter 2 and 3. Note what is involved in a lavish Gatsby party as you read Chapter 3 and be ready to share your observations next class.

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