Saturday, February 1, 2020

February 3 - 7

I appreciate the opportunity to read Gatsby with you, and am enjoying your reading and acting out some of the scenes in class. This week, we'll continue with Gatsby and also start pulling together all of the notes we've been taking for the Argument Writing Unit, and responding with outlines. Students will be comfortable reading and planning this type of prompt, and will write three outline responses, then choose one to write as their first essay in the argument style.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Collect Gatsby nomination forms. Read several perspectives in response to the prompt, "Should four-year public colleges be free?" Four-corner debate. Write an outline response (taking whichever position you decide after debating) and turn it in.

Due: Finish reading Chapter Five of The Great Gatsby

Gatsby Nomination forms. 

Homework: Read and annotate through some of the articles in the Should Four-year Public College Be Free? Packet. Be sure to mark any good reasons/evidence/examples so you can use them in class when we outline this prompt on Thursday/Friday. 

Study for the vocab/grammar/reading quiz on Thursday/Friday. 
WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up: fighting poverty. Read and act out Chapter six with discussion questions. Go over argument outline assignment.

Due: n/a

Homework (Same as Monday.)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering Vocab List #12, grammar, reading. Hand out next vocab sheet. Referring to the Should Four-year Public College Be Free? Packet and the outline format handed out in class, choose an answer to the prompt and write an outline. Using the Gatsby nomination forms, vote for a Gatsby cast for each class. Notes: fallacies in argument, the first three.

Due Read and annotate through some of the articles in the Should Four-year Public College Be Free? Packet. Be sure to mark any good reasons/evidence/examples so you can use them in class when we outline this prompt on Thursday/Friday. 

Homework: Please read Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby.

Please bring the outline we worked on in class with you for next time. 

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