Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23 Class Activities


I'm looking forward to see you all on the Zoom calls, Monday and Tuesday!

Monday, March 23
6th period - 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Tuesday, March 24
1st period - 9:00 am
2nd period - 10:00 am

Meeting ID: 395 323 4703


1.  Please respond to the Discussion Board prompt on marked "Journal - Monday, March 23, 2020." We'll share some of these on the call.

2. Read through the document "Finding Credible Sources." As we work together on the prompt

3. Participate in the Zoom call (see times above). Go back and re-read the prompt and your brainstorm responses before the call so they're fresh in your mind. (If you can't participate, I will record a portion of a session covering brainstorming/outlining and post it here for you to watch when you can.)

Here is 6th period's Zoom call. We go through some possibilities with an AGREE stance on the prompt below.

4.  Write an OUTLINE ONLY, with phrases and links, in response to the following prompt:

The United States Government should immediately enforce a strict, nationwide quarantine as China and Italy have in response to the Covid-19 threat. Please respond to this statement by defending, challenging or qualifying supported by credible evidence and examples to support your position.

Upload it to under the "Assignments" tab by Wednesday, March 25 for 6th period, and Thursday, March 26 for 1st and 2nd period.

Please check back Wednesday morning for the next post.

Here is a document that we worked on during the Zoom calls that has sample outlines in response to the Covid-19 prompt. 

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