Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25 Class Activities

Hi, there!
I've enjoyed seeing many of you on our Zoom calls. I don't know about you, but the entire situation is still a bit surreal. Most of you seem to be rolling with the punches and adapting pretty well, all things considered. This may be the defining experience of your generation, and it's unlike anything I've experienced before either.


1.  Please respond to the post in the Discussion tab in marked "Journal - Wednesday, March 25, 2020"

2. Please continue to work on the outline (and outline only), that responds to the same prompt we've been working on:

The United States Government should immediately enforce a strict, nationwide quarantine as China and Italy have in response to the Covid-19 threat. Please respond to this statement by defending, challenging or qualifying supported by credible evidence and examples to support your position. 

I've got a link to notes that were taken during the Zoom calls this week, here. Use them as a guide, and feel free to reach out with any questions through e-mail at 

Post your outline to on the Assignments tab.
6th period - due Wednesday, March 25

1st period - due Thursday, March 26
2nd period - due Thursday, March 26

No Zoom calls are scheduled until the first day back after break, but I'm available by e-mail all day with any questions or extra help. 

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