Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 17 - 21

It's the last week before a well-deserved break! We'll add some more argument notes this week, enjoy a current event day, and finish The Grapes of Wrath with a Socratic Seminar.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Film versions of The Grapes of Wrath for 4th and 6th. Socratic Seminar Discussion. Notes: next 3 fallacies, group work.

Due: Please complete the Grapes Socratic Seminar Questions and bring them with you to class. Please bring your Grapes of Wrath book to class.

Homework:For Thursday/Friday, please read pages 34 - 45 in the Expansion Pack. These articles each attempt to persuade others in the area of healthcare and what should/should not be provided. Please feel free to look up additional, credible sources if you wish.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Current event day covering the Textalyzer - read, annotate, and evaluate two opposing viewpoints. Discuss and debate, vote.

Due: n/a

Homework: same as Monday's homework for Friday.

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Four corner healthcare debate. 

Due: Please read pages 34 - 45 in the Expansion Pack. These articles each attempt to persuade others in the area of healthcare and what should/should not be provided. Please feel free to look up additional, credible sources if you wish.

Homework: None. 

Have a wonderful Winter Break!
Have fun and relax with family and friends.
I look forward to seeing you in 2019!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 10 - 14

Hello, English 3! Reminder: no vocab quiz this week. Here's what's on the agenda:

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Begin reading The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 30 (the last chapter).  Intro to fallacies: notes. Fallacies group exercises.

Due: Please read Chapter 28 and 29 of Grapes.

Homework: Please finish Grapes, Chapter 30 (the book) and review it for Thursday/Friday's test.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Current event day - read and annotate two opposing viewpoints. Discuss and debate, vote. Outline the majority opinion in a synthesis/ACT-style outline response based on the discussion

Due: N/A

Homework: (Same as Monday.)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Grapes of Wrath final multiple choice test - 30 questions. View various film adaptations - the official movie, student versions.  

Due: Finish reading Grapes of Wrath

Homework: Please complete the Grapes Socratic Seminar questions and bring your book for next class to turn in. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

December 3 - 7

It's December! Here's what's on the agenda for the week:

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over the essay results of the final version of the Florence Kelley rhetorical analysis prompt. (As always, if you received less than a 90 and would like to redo it, you can submit the revision to the optional link on before 12/31/18.) Read and annotate articles for and against the universal basic income proposal. Discuss in groups - compare evidence and examples. Create argument outline. If time, read and act out scene from Grapes, Chapter 26.

Due4th and 6th periods only: please finish the rest of Grapes, Chapter 26. 

1st and 3rd periods only: please read Grapes, Chapter 26, pages 478-514. 

1st and 3rd periods - For Thursday, please bring the final outline for the universal basic income prompt (Should a universal basic income be implemented in the United States?). Study for the vocab quiz covering Vocab #11, grammar, and reading. Have journals ready to turn in at the end of class on Thursday, December 6.

4th and 6th periods - For Friday, finish reading Grapes, Chapter 26, and bring the final outline for the universal basic income prompt (Should a universal basic income be implemented in the United States?) Study for the vocab quiz covering Vocab #11, grammar, and reading. Have journals ready to turn in at the end of class on Friday, December 7.

WEDNESDAY: 4th and 6th only (Ms. M. out for a pre-scheduled English Department day-long meeting.) Journal warm-up. Quiet work time to complete assignments from Monday that are due on Friday.

Due: n/a

Homework: For Friday, finish reading Grapes, Chapter 26, and bring the final outline for the universal basic income prompt (Should a universal basic income be implemented in the United States?) Study for the vocab quiz covering Vocab #11, grammar, and reading. Have journals ready to turn in at the end of class on Friday, December 7.

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering Vocab #11, grammar, Grapes reading through the end of 26. Read Chapter 27: find the scams. Go over outlines. Read and act out beginning of Grapes, Chapter 28. Collect journals in classroom bin.

Due: Grapes, Chapter 26.

Final outline for the universal basic income prompt (Should a universal basic income be implemented in the United States?)

Journals in bin at the end of class. 

Homework:  Finish Chapter 28 and 29 of The Grapes of Wrath. Be ready to discuss these chapters.

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26 - 30

Welcome back! I hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday. We have four fabulous weeks to dig into the Argument Unit, finish The Grapes of Wrath, and enjoy several debates and discussions along the way.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Argument notes: graph of possible positions to take, argument outline format. Go through argument essay outline example as a whole class. Music inspired by The Grapes of Wrath presentation with lyrics, analysis. Intro to excerpts from Nickel and Dimed included in the Expansion Pack (see sidebar of this website). We are reading about the modern-day working poor to prepare for a discussion/debate on Thursday/Friday.  

Due: Read Grapes, Chapters 22 - 25

Homework: Please read and annotate the Nickel and Dimed excerpts in the Expansion Pack, pages 9-25. Please interact with the text, and comment in the margins.

WEDNESDAY: (UPDATED DUE TO MS. M ABSENCE - Periods 1 and 3) Journal warm-up. Please read The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 26, pages 478-514. Finish Expansion Pack reading, pages 9-25.

Due: n/a
Homework for 1st and 3rd periods: Please read and annotate the Nickel and Dimed excerpts in the Expansion Pack, pages 9-25. Please interact with the text, and comment in the margins. 

Please read Grapes, pages 478-514. 

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering Vocabulary List #10, grammar, reading. Argument Notes: types of evidence and examples. Discuss and debate the universal basic income proposal, write an outline response.

Due: Please read and annotate the Nickel and Dimed excerpts in the Expansion Pack, pages 9-25. Please interact with the text, and comment in the margins. 

(1st and 3rd only: read Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 26, pages 478 - 514)

4th and 6th periods only: please finish the rest of Grapes, Chapter 26.

1st and 3rd periods only: please read Grapes, Chapter 26, pages 478-514. 

Please bring your notes from the universal basic income discussion so we can finish the outlines next week.