Friday, March 8, 2019

March 11 - 15

Welcome! This week we will finish up the Gender Unit with a debate and in-class argument essay. I've enjoyed hearing all of the different viewpoints from the classes during this unit.

MONDAY: (4th and 6th only) Journal warm-up. Discuss "There is No Unmarked Woman." (Note: moving current event day to Monday for first portion of class.) Read, discuss, debate: should college athletes be paid? Last 20 minutes of class: Gender Debate Prep on laptops in class.

Due: Please read and annotate "There is No Unmarked Woman." Note the types of evidence and examples used to support the argument.

HomeworkPlease complete the "Debate Preparation Worksheet" and have examples and an article (or annotations and the title, author, publication on a separate page) ready to bring in for next class. 

TUESDAY: (1st and 3rd only). Journal warm-up. Check-off for Debate Prep Worksheet and article (or notes on an article). Debate.

Due: Complete the "Debate Preparation Worksheet" and have examples and an article (or annotations and the title, author, publication on a separate page) ready to bring in for next class. 

Homework: Go through your notes about writing argument essays. Think about the best reasons for and against women registering for the draft that you heard during the debate.

WEDNESDAY: (4th and 6th period) Journal warm-up. Debate day.

DuePlease complete "Debate Preparation Worksheet" and have examples and an article (or annotations and the title, author, publication on a separate page) ready to bring in for next class. 

Homework: Go through your notes about writing argument essays. Think about the best reasons for and against women registering for the draft that you heard during the debate.

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm up. Go over outlines from "Why Johnny Won't Read". Go through the steps to write an argument essay. Write the in-class argument essay based on the same "Should women be required to register for the draft" prompt from the debate. You may use actual notes from the debate, but no pre-written essays or outlines. All notes will be turned in. You'll have the rest of the class to finish it.

Due: Go through your notes about writing argument essays. Think about the best reasons for and against women registering for the draft that you heard during the debate.

Homework: Please read and annotate the Declaration of Independence as an argument. How does Thomas Jefferson make the case for the United States to declare its independence from Great Britain?

Bring back any outstanding library books (Grapes, Huck Finn).

Read about the college admissions cheating current event that is dominating the news right now. We'll talk about it next week. 

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