Saturday, January 14, 2017

Finals Week!

The final for English 3 will include the following parts:

Part I. Contains 51 multiple choice questions covering what's on the study guide
Part II. Students will read and annotate two articles with opposing viewpoints on a given prompt.  They will write out the Universal Outline format from memory, and then write their own outline response.  Note: this is not a full essay. 

Here is the schedule:

MONDAY: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, no school.

TUESDAY: All classes, review day.  We will play review baseball to practice for the first part of the final.

 8:00- 9:55 - First period's final
10:50 - 12:00 - Second period's final

THURSDAY:  Please bring pencils and other materials to study or a book to read in case you finish early.

 8:00- 9:55 - Fourth period's final - NOTE THAT 4th PERIOD IS FIRST, NOT 3rd.
10:05 - 12:00 - Third period's final

FRIDAY: Please bring pencils and other materials to study or a book to read in case you finish early.

 8:00- 9:55 - Fifth period's final
10:05 - 12:00 - Sixth period's final
It's been a great semester.  I am truly looking forward to more reading, discussion, debates, and even essays (!) with you during Spring Semester.  Thanks for all that you do!

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