Saturday, September 22, 2018

September 24-28

It's the last week of September already! This week, we'll go through another prompt in detail and go through the steps of writing a full essay response.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Reading Grapes with drawing activity. Imagery notes, samples. Imagery exercise. Receive Florence Kelley prompt.

Due: Please read the rest of Grapes, Chapter 10.

Homework: Please read and annotate the Florence Kelley speech prompt for Thursday/Friday. Make sure to mark in the margins with little phrases each time you identify a rhetorical strategy (logos, ethos, pathos, figurative language, imagery, etc.)
WEDNESDAY: (4th and 6th only) Journal warm-up. Current event day - read and annotate two opposing viewpoints about anthem protests. Discuss and debate, vote.

Due: n/a

Homework: (Same as Monday.)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering Vocab #4 and reading. Receive Tone Vocabulary sheet for next week, and Rhetorical Analysis outline format guide. Go over Kelley prompt annotations (bring this for check-off) and outline format.  Fill out PSAT forms. If time, we'll read and act out the first part of Grapes, Chapter 13.

Due: Please read and annotate the Florence Kelley speech prompt for Thursday/Friday. Make sure to mark in the margins with little phrases each time you identify a rhetorical strategy (logos, ethos, pathos, figurative language, imagery, etc.)

Homework: Please write a full, original outline on a separate piece of paper for the Kelley prompt. Short phrases are fine.  Use the rhetorical analysis outline format and fill in your own responses to each section. Bring this paper for next class; we will go over it in class, then we'll turn these in.

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