Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 4 - 8

It's May! Per our last Zoom class, this month we'll be reading and working with the play A Raisin in the Sun, submitting and polishing an argument essay, writing discussion board posts, and beginning the final writing assignment for the year after Memorial Day. I am excited to read and grade rough drafts and will be writing feedback for those rough argument essays beginning on Monday. Soon, we'll work on polishing these drafts together as a class. 

Also, I have been lenient with due dates this far, but in order to prevent an unmanageable amount of work coming in at the end of the semester, please upload any late work by Sunday, May 10 if you're behind at all. I will take late points after that. Don't wait until the last minute! It'll be much harder to catch up. Please note that the final due date for all work (except for the final paper) is Wednesday night, June 3 at 11:59 p.m. PST. To be fair to all students, and to allow myself enough time for grading, I can't accept any regular work later than that.

Please be sure read the directions for Discussion Board posts -- they ask for a certain number of sentences (for example, two complete sentences per Wired Wednesday question).

Here's the agenda for this week: 

MONDAY A-Day/TUESDAY B-Day: Offline, work independently. Read A Raisin in the Sun, Act I, Scene I on your own through this link to the pdf (just pages 26-56 in the pdf, you don't have to read the foreword). You can also read/listen along with me by clicking here for the video of the pdf and the audio of me reading the scene. 

Due: Finish typing the argument essay rough draft and upload to by Sunday night, May 3.

Homework: Imagine you had to choose who you would live with in a small, three-room apartment with very little light, like Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, Travis, and Mama Younger in A Raisin in the Sun. You must choose four people besides yourself: who would you choose to live with in close quarters? Please have an answer ready for Thursday/Friday. Also, think about which part you might want to read for Act I, Scene II for Thursday/Friday. I'll be calling for volunteers.

WEDNESDAY A-Day Only: Offline, work independently. Welcome to Wired Wednesday! No live Zoom class will be held today; instead, please choose one article of your choice from to read and think about. Complete the typed, online journal entry question for today under the Discussion tab. We'll reference these in Friday's online class. (If you run into a paywall on the site, please use login:, password: English.)

Homework: Complete the typed, online journal entry question described in Wednesday's class work and post by Friday. 

THURSDAY B-Day/FRIDAY A-Day: Online, live class on Zoom. (Please see times and login information on the right-hand sidebar.) Discuss A Raisin in the Sun, Act I, Scene I. Read the parts for Act I, Scene II.

Due for all classes: Read A Raisin in the Sun, Act I, Scene I on your own through this link to the pdf (just pages 26-56 in the pdf, you don't have to read the foreword). You can also read/listen along with me by clicking here for the video of the pdf and the audio of me reading the scene.

Due for A-Day Only: Complete the typed, online journal entry question for your choice of "Wired Wednesday" article under the Discussion tab.

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